Wild horse with young horse

Owner Assistance Programs

Owner assistance programs—sometimes called safety net programs—are aimed at keeping owners with their horses through short periods of unexpected difficulty.
These programs offer assistance in many forms, including feed funds, veterinary services, emergency assistance, gelding,
and end-of-life care. Our resource lists information about safety net programs for horse owners across the United States.

National Owner Assistance Programs

Equestrian Aid Foundation 
Offers help to horse people after injury or illness leaves them in need of support. 

Fleet of Angels 
Emergency assistance, hay grants, disaster grants, and more for private owners and 501©(3) horse rescues. 

The Foundation For The Horse 
Emergency assistance, disaster funds.  

One Horse At A Time, Inc.  
Emergency feed, gelding, and medical assistance for private owners and 501©(3) horse rescues. 

RedRover Relief  
Assistance for urgent medical care. 

Special Horses Emergency Fund 
Awards immediate, small grants to rescues experiencing unforeseen and unexpected challenges. 

United Horse Coalition Equine Resource Database 
The UHC database includes safety net assistance, rescues, and grant opportunities.

US Horse Welfare and Rescue
Community hay banks, euthanasia assistance, and rehoming support for horse owners.

Vet Direct Safety Net 
Emergency medical grants of $600 to help private horse owners pay for emergency vet bills with AAEP vets.

StateOrganizationHayEmergency assistanceFosterGeldingEuthanasiaNotes
AlaskaAlaska Equine Rescueyesfeed, vet, farrier
ArizonaArizona Coalition for Equinesyesyesyes
ArizonaCare for the Horsesyesfeed, vet, farrieryes**temporary foster if owner surrenders
ArizonaEquine Voicesyes
ArizonaEquine Wellbeingyesyes
CaliforniaCanham Farm Horse Rescueyesyes
CaliforniaEquine Assistance Projectyesboard, farrier, vetyes
CaliforniaSan Diego Horse Coalitionyes
CaliforniaSonoma Action for Equine Rescue S.A.F.E.Ryes**tri-county area of Sonoma, Lake and Mendocino counties
ColoradoColorado Horse Rescueyesfeed, vet, farrier, dentalLeg Up Program
ColoradoColorado Unwanted Horse AllianceProvides a network of those who may be able to help.
ColoradoDenkai Sanctuaryyesfeed, farrier, vet, vaccinationsyesyes
ColoradoFleet of AngelsyesyesDisaster relief, hay grants, transportation assistance. Serves all over the US and internationally
ColoradoGrand Valley Horse RescuefarrieryesyesAnnually in October, we co-host the Western Colorado Equine Assist Weekend with the Colorado Horse Rescue Network where we offer free gelding, free euthanasia and low cost teeth floating for senior horses.
ColoradoFor the Love of AriayesyesyesWe offer emergency feed, vet bills, training fees to gentle mustangs, euthanasia only as a last resort or moving equine would he too hard on them, we also help with adoption fees to the BLM for private adopters, we offer paying board for short periods to other organizations.
ColoradoFront Range Equine RescuenoEvacuationnonoFire/Disaster Evacuation
ColoradoDreamCatcher Therapy Centeryes
ConnecticutBeech Brooke Farmyesyesyes
FloridaHope Equine Rescueyesfeed, dental, coggins, vaccines*yes*assistance in the form of low-cost clinics
FloridaRVR Horse Rescue Horse Angelsyesyesyesyes
GeorgiaGeorgia Equine Rescue Leagueyes
GeorgiaHorse Rescues United of GA (HRU)yesyesyesyes
IllinoisUniversity of Illinoisyes*yes**gelding clinic; ET for fee-carcass use undisclosed.
IndianaPurdue Universityyes**free ET, pathology report and tell you what body will be used for.
KansasHope in the Valley Equine Rescue and Sanctuaryyes**annual castration clinic
KansasRainbow Meadowsyesyes
KentuckyKentucky Horse Councilyesfeed, gelding, euthanasiayesyes
MaineBagaduce River Equine RescueeuthanasiayesMaine residents only
MaineMaine State Society for the Protectoin of Animalsyeshay, feed, vet, farrier, gelding, euthanasiayesyesyes
MarylandDays End Farm Horse RescueET and removal assistance**offered through animal control rather than directly to the public.
MarylandMaryland Fund For Horses, Inc.yesfeed, vet, farrieryesyesMFFH's primary safety nets include:
Maryland Hay Bank
Emergency feed distribution to qualified applicants
Gelding grants (and occasional castration clinics)
Routine veterinary care financial assistance
Emergency and surgical veterinary care financial assistance
Compassionate advice and referrals
MassachusettsMasssachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to AnimalsyesyesyesVeterinary and farrier assistance available
MassachusettsNew England Equine Rescue - Northyes
MichiganMichigan Horse Welfare CoalitionyesyesyesFarrier and Dental assistance available
MichiganMichigan Horse CouncilvetEmergency Vet Expense Fund
MinnesotaMinnesota Horse Welfare Coalitionyesyesyesyes
MinnesotaMinnesota Horse CouncilyesTemporary Emergency Equine Feed Asssitance
MinnesotaSundown Horse Rescueyesyes
MontanaMontana Horse Sanctuaryyesfeed, vet, farrier, equiptmentyesyes
NebraskaMJM Equine Rescueyes
NevadaLocal Equine Assistance Network, L.E.A.N.yesFeed, vet, farrieryesyesyes
New HampshireBecky's Giftyesfeed, vet, farrier
New HampshireNew Hampshire SPCAyesemergency and routine vet careyesCOVID-19 Emergency Programs for Horse Owners
New JerseyMylestone Equine RescueyesyesCoggins, emergency vet assistance
New MexicoNew Mexico Equine Protection Fundyesfeedyesyes
New MexicoPenny Lane Foal RescueFoal specific care including: milk replacer, foal specific feed, emergency medical supplies, halters and lead ropes, blankets, vet and farrier care for foals, transportation
New YorkThe National Miniature Donkey Associationyes**gelding incentive program
New YorkRoanchar Ranch Draft Horse Rescueyes
New YorkRelay Run Rescueyesyesyes
North CarolinaCarolina Equine Rescue & Assistanceyes
North CarolinaHope for HorsesyesblanketsFeed, vet, farrier
North CarolinaNorth Carolina Horse CouncilyesyesyesBoarding, vet
North CarolinaRed Bell Runyesfeed, vet, blankets
OhioWyandot Humaneyes
OklahomaHorse Feathersblanket bank, disaster relief grantsyesyes
OregonEquine Community Resources Organizationyesfeed, vet, dental, blanketsyesyestransport
OregonOregon Hay Bankyesfeed, vet, dental,yes
OregonHappy Trails Horse Rescueyesfeed, vet, dental,yesyesOur mission is to provide services or resources to keep horses from needing rescue with hay bank, grain and supplements, medical care, gelding and dental assistance, euthanasia assistance, emergency boarding and more.
OregonSound Equine Optionsyesvetyes
OregonOn Golden RescueyesyesCommunity Outreach program focuses on providing resources (hay, feed, veterinary care, farrier service, fence repair, etc.) to equine owners.
PennsylvaniaCANTER Pennsylvaniayes
PennsylvaniaElk Mountain Equine Sanctuaryyesyes
PennsylvaniaThe Phoenix Horse Farmyes**space for 7 horses in emergency, Dr. Sue Pressman
Rhode IslandRhode Island SPCAyesyes
South CarolinaSouth Carolina Horsemen's Councilemergency careyesyes
TennesseeSafe Harbor Sanctuaryyesyesyes
TennesseeHearts of Horse Havenyesyesyes
TennesseeHorse Plus Humane SocietyDisaster ReliefyesyesOpen to global and national applicants. Also offers grants to non-profit equine rescues
TexasBluebonnet Equineyesyesyes
TexasHabitat for Horsesyesfeed
VermontGerda's Equine RescueBlanket bank
VermontThe Dorset Equine RescueyesStarting 2024
VirginiaCentral Virginia Horse Rescueyesyesyes
VirginiaDominion Equine Welfareyesfeed
VirginiaPeaceful Valley Donkey Rescueemergency transport
VirginiaEquine Welfare Societyyesyes
VirginiaSaving Grace Rescue Farmyesyes
WashingtonThe Hayburner Project - Hay Bankyesyes
WashingtonSAFE/Save A Forgotten Equineyes
West VirginiaHeart of Phoenix Equine Rescueyesfarrier, feed, dentalyesyesyes
West VirginiaWest Virginia Horse Network STAI Programyesfarrier, feed, vet, dentalyesyesAssistance will be provided in the form of Basic Care (hay, feed), Farrier Care, Routine Vetting (floats, vaccinations, deworming), Medications for chronic but manageable conditions (such as Cushings) and if needed, euthanasia.

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